Welcome to Our Carolina Cuisine Network

Scrumptious Food and Recipes from the Carolinas brought to you by a professionally trained Chef and Nutrition Enthusiast

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Your feedback is welcome here! Whether it’s opinions or ideas for an article, questions about recipes, or recipe conversions, our network is available for cooks of all experience levels. We keep the tradition of our delicious recipes going when we share them, after all, sharing is caring! Making a special meal for a group and not sure how much food to prepare? My years of fine dining catering experience may be able to help. The best way to feel more confident when preparing food or trying new recipes is getting practice. Nothing replaces quality time in the kitchen and mine is my favorite room in the house. I look at every chance to cook or create a new recipe for someone as an opportunity and that practice builds skill level, confidence, and drive for more delicious dishes. So let’s share recipes, our substitutions, and get cooking!

Here is the Ravenel Bridge over the Ashley river in Charleston, South Carolina as the sun is setting across the Southern sky. I have toured this river trawling and bobber fishing for the treasured sea trout so many times with my husband on our flats boat. The water is always muddy and when it’s high in the lush green grasses the fish bite on shrimp. They taste delicious along with many other local species of salt water fish in the region along the Intracoastal waterway of the Carolinas. Take a look at my list of top seafood dishes we love dearly here in South Carolina.

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